Monday, May 4, 2015

Week 36 - Holi Festival, Cooking and Farewell Picknick

This week was the so called "Dead Week", the last week of classes - next week are only finals anymore. I already had a few final exams in Cyber Security, Software Engineering and Spanish, which went ok, but not great, but I think I passed all exams and that's the only important thing. It is also very different here than in Austria, the final exam only takes a rather small part of the overall grade (from 10 to 40 percent), so if you don't do well on an exam it is not too bad.

On Tuesday, we watched Pitch Perfect at night on the campus on an outdoor screen which was quite nice - it only could have been a little bit warmer...

On Wednesday I had the earlier mentioned 2 exams and at night we went to a bar/restaurant called ALE House to have dinner. I had a nice burger and a delicious Weihenstephaner wheat beer (I miss wheat beer so much - they don't have that here almost anywhere). On Thursday, I had only one class, studied a little bit for my Spanish exam on Friday and at night, we had a farewell party for Anabel, a Spanish student, who left the next day. It was fun, but I didn't stay really long as I had my exam on the next day.

On Friday, there was a Holi Festival on campus. We put colors on others and got covered with colors for about 1.5 hours.

At the night we also had a small party at an American friend's house. On Saturday, I had to start studying for my final exams and at night I cooked "Wiener Schnitzel" (Vienna Schnitzel) and "Kartoffelsalat" (Austrian potato salad) and I am really content with my cooked dishes! To complete an Austrian evening we watched "The Sound of Music" which is in my opinion just hilarious :).

On Sunday we had a pick nick / barbeque from the International Student Organization, where a lot of international students showed up and everybody was supposed to bring food from their country (I brought the Kartoffelsalat from the day before). We had really nice weather (about 26°C - 79°F) and were at a park close to the university from about noon to 7:30pm. We played soccer, volleyball and just enjoyed the sun and the good food.

At night I also went to the library, because I had two finals the next day. And now it's going to the final week already - the time flies - only 5 days left...

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