Thursday, March 12, 2015

Week 29 - Midterms and Intramural Racquetball Champion

As I leave on Friday in the morning (and miss one class and one quiz) I have to post the weekly update today on Thursday. This week was all about midterms - on Monday I had my software engineering exam, on Tuesday I had digital image processing as well as 3d game development and on Wednesday I had my cyber security midterm exam. All of them went quite well - I already have the result for digital image processing and I'm totally okay with it (84/100).

Besides taking these exams and studying for it, I went climbing on Sunday and Wednesday. On Tuesday I should have my last racquetball game of the racquetball tournament, but my adversary did not show up -> so as I won all my other games I won the tournament now :).

Furthermore, I also went again to the Boxing Body Beatdown which is every Wednesday and we had our first soccer game on Thursday. I also went to Fat Patty's on Tuesday, went to Jake's on Wednesday and I'll also go out again to Fat Patty's today.


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