Friday, December 12, 2014

Week 16 - Finals and Semester Ending

The first semester is over :) :D !!! I have completed all final exams successfully (In my opinion the exams here at Marshall are a lot easier than the final exams in Austria - I had one exam that I finished in less than 15 minutes :)). I don't know all of my grades yet, but I think it should be an A in all of my courses. And now I am really happy that the semester is over and hopefully (probably) I will have an awesome winter break.

Besides studying for the finals and taking them, on Sunday we made a photo-session at Old-Main (the administration building from Marshall) for a few nice pictures to keep memories of this nice time here.

Other pictures from the campus:

On Tuesday we had dinner at Fat Patty's, a restaurant/bar near the university, and the burger was really tasty. I also had an interesting beer with blueberries in it :).

On Thursday we finally had our semester ending party. We went to an Mexican restaurant called blacksheep and afterwards to Jake's.

Today (Friday) I slept long and packed until now for the following month of traveling. I'm really excited - my flight will depart at 7:45. :)

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