Sunday, September 7, 2014

Second Week - Free Climbing Fridays and First Football Game

After the trip to Nashville I had to return to the hard part of life. In this week the courses started with the real lectures and exercises. I had my first three quizzes in Spanish (that's a small kind of test, where you have to translate 20 English words), my fist assignments in Natural Language Processing and GIS and Data Systems and the Software Engineering project started. Furthermore I have to read about 80 pages for my psychology classes on Monday. Here is how my schedule looks like:

During the week I had a lot of things to do for my classes. Besides of that I often went to the Recreation Center which is very large and you can do a lot of different kind of sports there. I played racquetball very often, but you can also play volleyball, table tennis, badminton and much more. Furthermore there are two floors with many machines for muscle training and there is also a running lane inside. Until now I've never used the pool, but I really plan to go this week.

On Thursday I went the first time out in Huntington. A few Brazilians, the guys who went with me to Nashville and I went to a bar called Black Sheep. It was very funny and the beer was also good :). On the next day we went to another nice bar which had a lot of other beer brands.

Before we went out on Friday we also went to the "Free Climbing Fridays". On every Friday at the first 8 weeks you can climb at the climbing wall of the recreation center for free. It was really exhausting, but it was fun and we plan to go there again.

On Saturday the first football game took place and I was really excited to go there. The stadium of Marshall's football team, the so called "Herd", provides place for about 25.000 visitors. Unfortunately it was raining and there is no roof over the tribunes, so we all got a little bit wet. But this was no reason to be sad, the atmosphere was really great and there is always great entertainment during the breaks. Football itself is also rather interesting even if I only understand the basic rules. The only bad factor of the game was its length. It lasted about four hours!

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